Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Effort. ---for you.

To JAM: I was trying to write Saturday night, but I just couldn't seem to come up with anything to say. And every day since Saturday..I have tried to come to this blog and write something..and my fingers were just stuck. So because you said to write something new..I dedicate my effort at this blog to you.


On that notee

Mid terms this week. I think I did farely well on my math. And I thought I would do good on my english, but who knows. I was falling asleep due to my horrible sleep pattern. So the essay I wrote was kind of just BS.
  • Today we had a snow day unfortunately. And don't get me wrong I love the snow. But the longer and more it's here, the longer it feels not only till I GRADUATE, but till I get my license. I'm extremely anxious.
So the last 2 days of are exams have been pushed to tomorrow and Friday. OH joy. Well the last exams I have areee: History, Cooking, Chem, and Marketing. I am horrible in history, so pray that I pass. I am even worse in chem, so pray for a miracle. In cooking and marketing, I'm sure I'll do fairly[sp?] well.


I saw Underworld this weekend..the movie was greatt!! I highly recommend it :D.

Valentine's Day is in about 2 weeks. Anyone not excited??? I sure as hell am not. The last Valentine's Day that I had a boyfriend, which was 2 years ago..I didn't really have much interest in the kid because we never hung out outside of school. And I hate "in school" relationships. They're just kind of a show for your peers. But besides when I was in 5th grade..yes 5th grade, my Valentines have never been memorable. They're just another day to pass by, and get the year moving.
  • I also think that Valentine's Day is just an excuse for those people who dont do anything for their significant other on a regular basis. I mean really. If you're in a relationship, you should be taking your S.O. out to dinner at least once a month. And maybe even bring them flowers about that often too, unless I just have high expectations. But I think thats sweet. So why would you be expected to do it this day??
  • I mean I guess it's cute. And last year I did get something from an ex, a friend, and had a whole other guy as me to be his Valentine. So then maybe it's just not for those who are in relationships, but it helps give that boost to some to find "love" or that of romantic interest.


For like the 2 or 3 people?? :P that actually read my blog....are you excited for Valentine's Dayy??


OH!!. And I currently have photoshop. And I'm in lovee. I find it to be so amazing what you can do with pictures, just by the click of a button and a little movement of the mouse.


I also find myself happier lately. And yet angrier at the same time...or at least more cranky. AND..I find myself coming up with songs//poems in my head. It's weird because I haven't done that in about 3 years. Welll...!!!

I'm thirsty and I'm gonna get me some iced tea. I'm gonna try to blog more noww :D.

Simply Yours,

1 comment:

  1. Hey sorry i didn't read this last night. BUT i didn't lie. I fell asleep with my aim on and when i woke up it was like one something punk. And why are you not following my blog anymore? we have beef now?
